Turning Web Visitors Into Deals

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Versetal Information

Industry: IT Services
Location: Quincy, MA (HQ)
Employees: 120

Customer since: 2023

  • Web traffic analytics
  • Prospect research
  • Relationship Intelligence
  • HubSpot Integration

is a B2B seller of technology services in the areas of cybersecurity, cloud hosting, applications development, and managed services. When prospecting new business, they relied on buying lists, working their network for introductions, and tracking web form submissions for free assessments.

Without additional tools for monitoring web traffic more closely, Versetal could not harvest non-form submitting visitors as marketing qualified leads, nor could they track the impact of their email outreach and identify what messaging generated enough interest to cause a website visit. Web Traffic Intelligence connects Versetal’s web visitors with previous interactions, helping gauge marketing success. In cases where there is no interaction history, surfaces the ideal contacts at each company to reach out to and identifies possible warm connection paths. Web Intelligence is now a daily part of Versetal’s prospecting efforts, turning anonymous web traffic data into promising new leads.

Underutilized Web Traffic Data

Versetal saw an increase in traffic from their web analytics solution but had no way of knowing which companies were visiting their website.

Solution: In addition to giving them insight into which companies are visiting their site, when and which pages they viewed,’s Web Traffic Intelligence also surfaces firmographic data including information about company industry, revenue, and employee counts and indicates if there have been any previous email interactions with that company.

 — Jason Manfredi, Business Development Representative


Versetal had no visibility into previous interactions with their web visitors, leaving them unable to associate outreach with traffic and gauge efficacy.

Solution: shows Versetal complete interaction histories for each company that visits their website, including who reached out and when, making it possible to understand things like what outbound messaging is resonating or what cold prospects might be ready for another touch.

Nearly every day we pick up a lead that we had written off. Last month a company that my SDR last connected with in the spring was back on our site visiting multiple pages, and quickly added to a campaign designed to fire up renewed interest.

 — Jason Manfredi, Business Development Representative

Finding Connections: Next Step Built In

Finding out which companies were visiting their website was only a first step. Versatel needed to answer the question of who the best contacts were to reach out to for follow-up. paid for itself ten times over within the first two weeks. I turned a visit from a large Life Sciences organization into a meeting with their CIO, where we secured new business and launched a new business development initiative.

 — Jason Manfredi, Business Development Representative

Seamless Workflows

Tracking opportunities through manual data entry into spreadsheets and their CRM caused too many oversights.

Solution: Now they send promising prospect targets straight to custom lists that sync with the correct campaign via a direct integration with HubSpot.

I love that everything is on one screen and unifies the complexity of multiple data sources. I can see who’s coming in, find the people we need to talk to, and get them into my marketing team’s hands all in one place.

 — Jason Manfredi, Business Development Representative


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