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Enterprise Conversational AI Engine

Our performance for 2023-Q4 / 2024-Q1

Our Performance

Organic licensing revenue growth


Registered users


Logos added


Integrated CRM partners

Our Investors

Champions of Innovation and growth

We raised our initial seed round from top-tier investors, including AE Industrial Partners, Edison Partners, and Family Offices.

Our investors ae industrial partners
Our Team

Meet the team behind

An experienced team of highly skilled entrepreneurs that thrives on collaboration, fostering a culture centered around inclusion, enthusiasm, and open communication.

our team

The Problem We Are Solving

In the $96.3B customer experience market, 91% of corporate knowledge is lost, slowing innovation and growth.

1.5 to 5 hours

Amount of time a salesperson spends updating CRM records

4.7 months / year

Time salesperson is looking for lead connection, and communication

Solution Preserving Corporate Knowledge

Alleviates the loss of corporate knowledge by focusing on gathering and organizing relationships, conversations, interactions, and corporate data. Combines conversational AI with CRM process automation to provide impactful, actionable insights across the organization.

What is is an AI-powered platform designed to enhance sales and marketing efforts by leveraging organizational knowledge. It offers features such as:


relationship intelligence

Relationship intelligence

connection paths

Connection paths

lead sourcing

lead sourcing

real-time interaction

Real-time interactions

intellectual capital

Intellectual capital

aI generated insights

AI-generated insights

web traffic intelligence

Web traffic intelligence

ai generated emails

AI-generated emails


The proof is in the pudding

Want to see real tactics driving real sales? These video testimonials showcase real customers achieving impressive results after using our product. Let the proof speak for itself.

Total Addressable Market

$5.5B market with
over 1B knowledge workers

How supports every aspect of the customer journey

how to support every aspect of the customer journey

Check with our team

Talk to the CEO

Skip the back-and-forth emails! Schedule an introductory call with our CEO to discuss your investment goals. Book a time that suits you and get more information.


The ability to use to integrate with your LinkedIn profile, your email and aggregate all that information into a single pane of glass is a huge value that we see.

alex van tassel

Alex VanTassel

Outsourced Sales VP, Sales Xceleration


The ability to use to integrate with your LinkedIn profile, your email and aggregate all that information into a single pane of glass is a huge value that we see.

alex van tassel

Alex VanTassel

Outsourced Sales VP, Sales Xceleration