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Ditch The Flock, Find The Falcons

AI powered insights for smarter selling

Leverage the relationships buried across your organization into warm introductions and new pipelines while accessing powerful prospecting features.

Reveal connections that fuel sales growth

Warm leads, hidden in plain sight goes beyond surface-level connections.  Our technology intelligently maps past and present interactions across your organization – emails, calendars, social networks, and web traffic – in real-time. This deep analysis reveals hidden relationships you never knew existed. Leverage these connections to build warm pipelines filled with qualified leads.

+ 0 %
Sales acceleration

Find the warm path to success

Stop wasting time on dead-end contacts

+ 0 %
Increase in success rates compared to cold calling.

Target smarter, sell faster, win bigger

Say goodbye to scattershot prospecting’s intelligent filtering empowers you to build targeted prospect lists that perfectly match your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and focus your efforts on the most promising opportunities. Target high-potential leads with precision, eliminating wasted effort and boosting sales efficiency.

+ 0 %
Increase in sales win rates

Access Your Knowledge Superpower Today!

It takes minutes to get set up, and you will be blown away by the insights you’ll discover and the new leads you’ll find.