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Empowering Your Sales Team with Organizational AI Assistants

Make your sales teams faster, smarter, and more efficient with AI powered knowledge assistance.

Creating your organizational assistants (OAI) revolutionizes how your sales team accesses and utilizes critical information. By centralizing your knowledge base and leveraging advanced AI-driven search, it empowers your team to find answers rapidly, increase productivity, and deliver consistently trustworthy information to customers.

Stop the answer chase

Equip your sales team with knowledge on-demand

Are your sales teams struggling to find answers, spending precious time sifting through documents or interrupting colleagues, only to still leave customers waiting. This back-and-forth not only slows down responses, but it also creates a ripple effect, distracting others and hindering overall efficiency. We understand this pain point, and that’s why we’re here to help!

Unleash Your Team's Knowledge with Trusted AI Assistance

Powered by advanced natural language processing, your AI-driven organizational assistant quickly identifies relevant answers to customer inquiries, RFPs, and compliance questions. This empowers your team to provide accurate, consistent information that builds trust and credibility.


Respond Faster

Generate answers in seconds using your AI assistant, instead of searching for information.

Reduce Distractions

Eliminate the need to ask teammates for help or log into multiple systems

Stay on Track

Keep your team focused and on-message with the right information at their fingertips

Works where you work integrates with the industry-leading software apps that save you time and speed up your daily workflow


Lightning-Fast Answers

Generates hundreds of relevant answers to questions using trusted sources within seconds.


Eliminates the need to search
for information or ask other colleagues for help.

Improved Sales Efficiency

Enables your team to answer customer inquiries, RFPs, and compliance questionnaires 10x faster.

Centralized Knowledge Base

Aggregates information from various sources (documents, website) to create a powerful knowledge base.


Ensures sales reps to deliver accurate and consistent information
to customers.

Enterprise-Grade Security

SOC2 certified platform built
with robust security measures to protect your data.

Security and Data Privacy

  • is a SOC2 compliant platform
  • All data is encrypted at rest and in-transit
  • You retain full control and visibility over your data.
  • Your data is isolated to your workspace
  • No data is shared to anyone outside your organization